Why I Love Kefir
Kefir is a Turkish word which means “feel good”. It is a cultured and enzyme-rich probiotic drink that’s filled with friendly “good” micro-organisms that help balance your gastrointestional system.
Kefirs have been used for thousands of years as a foundational component to gut, immune system, and overall health. Our gut flora should be compromised of an abundant amount of healthy bacteria. In fact, a healthy ratio of gut bacteria is 10:1 good bacteria to bad bacteria. However, many people have the exact opposite ratio, which contributes to a variety of complaints, bowel problems and immune system compromise.
Here’s just a few of the MANY benefits of drinking Water Kefir:
Source: http://www.waterkefirgrains.com/water-kefir-grains.asp
Contains a wide variety of good bacteria as well as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. | |
Has antibiotic and anti fungal properties. | |
Contributes to a healthy gastrointestional and immune system. | |
Can help reduce unhealthy food cravings for sugar and sweet foods. | |
Aids in the digestion of foods. | |
Has a flattening affect on the intestines, reducing bloating. | |
Drinking water kefir regularly can help promote regular bowel movement, relieve intestinal disorders, reduce flatulence, and help create an all together healthier digestive system and inner eco system. | |
It’s cleansing effect on the gut helps to establish a balanced inner ecosystem for more optimal health. | |
It tastes great… and its really inexpensive to produce! |
Kefirs can be milk grain or water grain (vegan, dairy-free).
For basic quick-start instructions on water grain kefirs, see my earlier post on “how to use water kefir grains”.
Live Life Optimally,
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