Archive for the Women’s Health & Hormones Category

Hormones Done Right: 8 Rights of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormones are important chemical messengers that work to maintain balance within the body. Hormones reduce inflammation, reduce auto-immune disease, reduce cancer risk, reduce disease risk and promote healthy aging. Need proof of this? Beyond the 100’s of studies that provide objective proof, Go no further than your own life: How did your body function between the ages

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Avoid Pellet Hormone Therapy

An important part of Hormone Therapy is determining the right route of administration for You. Your unique genetics, medical history, and timing of the start of hormone therapy, dictate how your hormone should be taken (route). Orally? or Under the tongue? As my patient, We will have discussed which is best for You.  You can read more about my

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Break Your Sugar Habit

It’s time to break-up with Sugar. Yeah, I know it tastes amazing, but it doesn’t love you back the same way you love it. Sugar is a top contributor to all cancers, especially female cancers–in particular breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Diabetes is the leading contributor to heart disease–and heart disease is the leading cause of death

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12 Sources of Plant Proteins

12 Sources of Plant Proteins

12 Sources of Plant Proteins When asked where they get their protein, most people will site animal products. Some might even say spinach, if they are old enough to remember the “Popeye” cartoon. Otherwise, beyond animal products and spinach, most people are at a loss for where they can find protein. The simple truth is, protein is

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Nightime Intermittant Fasting

Nightime Intermittant Fasting

Benefits of Nightime Intermittant Fasting for Healthy Aging and Hormone Balance Part of your hormone balance, healthy lifestyle, and healthy aging plan should include intermittent fasting. Studies show that: skipping a few meals, waiting longer in-between meals, and having a lower calorie meal day (about 500 calories in 24 hours) once a week–each help with improving the

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A Simple 10-Minute Health Habit to Help Balance Hormones

A Simple 10-Minute Health Habit to Help Balance Hormones

As a hormone specialist, I am often asked, “What is the simplest, most cost-effective, thing I can do to help balance my hormones?” My Answer? Eat more greens–and the easiest eay to do this? Drink a quart of green smoothies daily. Smoothies are a simple, 10 minute habit you can perform daily to radically improve your health,

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How Smoothies Rock Your Health and Hormones

I love smoothies. In addition to being just plain delicious, smoothies are pretty much the best-tasting, most nutritious on-the-go meal known to (wo)man-kind–not to mention the best use of 10 minutes in the kitchen! Here are the main reasons why smoothies are so amazing for your health and hormones. Smoothies: Are chock full of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals

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Thermography: Radiation-free Breast Health Screening

Although heart disease kills more than 700,000 women a year, a mortality rate much higher than breast cancer and the leading cause of death among American women,  breast cancer seems to affect us on more personal level. Breast Health Recommendations Breast health screening should begin first in our youth (with the onset of menstruation at menarche) performing self-breast

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