Closing a sale


How to make a great close:


1-. KNOW your close. Practice it, write it, don’t wing it. Know exactly what you want to say and how you’re comfortable doing it.

2. When you get to the end, don’t be tired. Dig deep into your deepest enthusiasm and energy here. Remind yourself, THIS IS WHAT YOU CAME HERE FOR, and they can’t change their lives if they don’t LEAVE WITH THE GOODS.

3. Make it your own-my script can be adapted to fit your personality and what you’re comfortable saying. Just say it with passion and conviction that comes from your own experience.



1. Don’t wreck your own credibility at the beginning. How? To announce this is your first class.

2. Don’t make your class too long. Wrecks sales.

3. Don’t tell people not to buy, or to buy later.

4. With Heidi’s (webinar call #2) Hostess idea, don’t tell people you’re going to give them a ticket for asking a question. Then people just ask dumb questions and hijack the class. Heidi doesn’t explain a system of rules, she just handed out a ticket here and there for people being engaged in various ways.

5. Don’t send home to sign up. Have your ipad there and do it for them. Know your signup process to make it easy.

Sample close:
How many of you see the value in making a green smoothie and every day getting 10 servings of raw, organic plant food in your diet? Remember the green smoothie challenge is a quart a day for a month. lf you are ready to take the green smoothie challenge you’ll want to get started with the power essentials package. That your triomega, and your organic raw, vegan protein, plus you will get to try our ultimate minerals, which are our most popular product.

After 30 days, of making your green smoothie, now you’ve got your recipe, point to it on the tear sheep, I want you to call me and tell me your results. lf you don’t, l’ll call you! Guess what? You just got their permission for a follow up!
lf you want to dip a toe in the water, then Fast nutrition might be for you. The three drink mixes all have a different nutrition profile, and its organic raw, plant foods, that all you have to do is add water to.

lf you want to be on a path with us, you can order something every month,that makes you a preferred customer. And thats how you get 10% off on everything .You really want the 12 steps to whole food program. Right now, you really want to get started on either the power essentials or fast nutrition.

* Then sign them up yourself, right then and there, as a preferred or retail customer.

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