Qualifying Questions – Prospect

Questions to ask:

  1. If you could be on your way to any health goal in the next 30, 60, 90 days – what specifically would it be? How would that change your life?
  2. Then state “Mary, I want to make sure (restate the answer #1)
  3. How long have you wanted to achieve that goal? / How serious are you about achieving this goal on a scale of 1-10? ( 10 being the highest)
  4. How much money have you spent to achieve this goal?/ What programs have you tried in the past?
  5. Imagine you could  have (restate their goal)
  6. How is it going to feel when you achieve that goal?
  7. How often do you eat out?
  8. Do you eat 3 meals a day, skip meals, grab breakfast or lunch on the go?
  9. Do you drink coffee?  Energy drinks, soda?
  10.  How much water do you drink?
  11. What do you currently do for a living?  What do you love about what you do?
  12. If you could be doing anything and could design your life,  what would that look like?

Speaking assumptively:

Obviously:  lowers resistance (choice & tastefully manner) language that is elegant and graceful

Obviously  you want to be healthy.

Obviously  GSG Life is a proven formula to get the results you’re looking for (health or financially)

Naturally:  presuppose

Naturally,  you will achieve your goals on our team

Naturally, you will be more when you are on our program.

Instinctively:  An internal person who relies on their instinct

Listen, I don’t have to tell you because instinctively you know this the right decision to take control of your health, so I’ll stay out of it.

Intuitively:  awareness that they have.

Intuitively, Susan you know that GSG Life will help you achieve your health, lifestyle or financial goals.


CLOSE:  Take action or suffer the consequences. 

  1. You can either place your GSG Life order now, or stay stuck in this unhealthy cycle for the rest of your life. Which is better for you?
  2. You told me how you struggle with ___________ . You can either get started to keep going the way you are going and _________________.  (their pain)4 TIPS
    1. Recognize that your mind is not your friend. Negative self-talk wants to protect you; exaggerated fear that the mind has focused on.
    2. What you can accept can transform. What you resist will persist.  I.e. stand in front of the mirror naked
    3. No jerks in the world until you show up. It’s never them, it’s always you. The label you give it makes you feel bad. No one can make you feel bad.

    Stop taking life personally. Stop labeling. Be grateful and share gratitude.


Helpful selling details: 

  1. Power Essentials package ($104.85)= $3.50 a day. This package provides you with the protein, Flax and Minerals you’ll need for. This is a affordable way to jump start your nutrition goals.
  2. Fast Nutrition package ($119.85)= $4 a day. This package ensures your family will be getting the greens and super foods in their diets that are so essential.

Persuasion and Influence Techniques

What stops us

  1. Avoiding failure
  2. Wanting to fit in
  3. Avoiding embarrassment
  4. Wanting to look good

5 Skills You Require

  1. Rapport building skills: unconscious agreement between people.
  2. Investigative skills: learning how to ask questions that helps people move forward rather than just talking.
  3. How to present: speak features of products and business model as benefits, not just speak benefits and features.
  4. Closing skills.
  5. Handling objection skills.


Ways People Think

Sell the way the person likes to buy.

Two ways: towards pleasure or away from pain. Most buy away from pain. It’s your job to find out, which one the person is.  Don’t sell the way you are.

  1. Pain: the person will take action to avoid discomfort. Stab the pain. Example: You’ll have a heart attack if you don’t make a change. You’re uncomfortable most of the time.
  2. Pleasure: think about how great you’ll look, bikini, the dream house, etc.  A pleasure person has the ability to deal with the pain, so you have to paint the picture of pleasure.


Internal vs External person

The more someone knows about the subject the more INTERNAL they are. They look to themselves for decisions and choices to be made. Don’t need others opinions.  Don’t say, “Hear is what I think or I think you should do ______”

You state  “I’m sure you already know or “I don’t have to tell you (state what you don’t have to tell them) “you already know all that, it’s just about you being ready ________”

EXTERNAL: wants to know what the world has to say and get feedback. An external person thinks a suggestion is a command.

INTERNAL: thinks a command is a suggestion.

Find out whether someone is an INTERNAL or EXTERNAL person by asking. Find out how people receive information. For example:

“How do you know if a new business opportunity is right for you?”

“How do you know if a new weight loss program is right for you?”


Decision making stragetgy 

  1. Some want to read
  2. Some want feedback and opinions
  3. Some want to listen


It’s NOT a one size fits all. 

Questions to Ask. Make the questions easy.

  1. What programs have you tried in the past?
  2. What as the process you used to decide if it was right for you?
  3. Did you talk to someone about the program, i.e. a rep, other people, research, read, video, talk to your spouse?

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