7 Food that Build Stamina and Reduce Fatigue

shutterstock_benefits of vitamin b5 foods on cutting boardsBuild Stamina and Reduce Fatigue with these 7 Foods

Our bodies use the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the food we eat to rebuild, repair, and rejuvenate our cells and body systems.

Stress and poor diet can contribute to a weakened immune system, fatigue, join pain, obesity, auto-immune disease, and cancers.

Foods high in vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) are an excellent at building stamina, energy, and boosting the immune system.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is a supplement widely used to combat the effects of adrenal fatigue.

Vitamin B5 is provides support for good mental health and helps to buffer the effects of stress that can manifest as anxiety and depression.

It helps the liver metabolize toxins. A healthy liver contributes to balanced hormones.

Vitamin B5 also fuels our cells for cell division and DNA reproduction, which is important for healthy aging.

Some of my favorite clean, whole foods are high in Vitamin B5:

Mushrooms–use a varitey; add to omelets, salads, soups and stir-frys.

Avocados–add to smoothies, salads, whole grain toast, and as a delicious garnish to soups.

Seeds (Sunflower, Flax, Pumpkin)–add to smoothies, salads, homemade energy bars, and homemade flax crackers. I prefer using sprouted seeds. Sprouting reduces the phytic acid “reaction” that my gut has when I eat raw seeds and nuts (you know, the bloating?)

I love to sprout my own seeds. Simply by Sprouting seeds you are releasing an enormous amount of nutrition–upward of 400-700%! Sprouting boosts fiber, protein and omegas.

But when I dont have a batch of seeds sprouting in my kitchen window (or if I don’t want my kids to “see” the sprouts I am adding to their foods) I love using ground flax.

Organic Eggs–enjoy as hard boiled on salads, or make a healthy omelet packed with vegetables. Don’t be afraid of the yolk–it wont raise your cholesterol like we were misinformed during the “low fat” craze of the late 80’s.

Cabbage–enjoy as a salad, broccoli and cabbage slaw or fermented.

Broccoli–enjoy raw with hummus, in salads, or steamed in a stir-fry.

Sweet Potatoes–enjoy baked (top with mushrooms and broccoli for an extra B5 boost), or as healthy homemade chip.

Adding foods packed with vitamin B5 to your nutrition plan on a daily basis can make a significant impact on your energy, stamina and moods. It is also simple, and delicious.

Eating them in the early afternoon, when the adrenal system is struggling, is a great way to reboot your energy and avoid over-indulging in sugar, salt and caffeine (the less-healthy way to get through a busy day).

Treat your body well, feed it what it needs, and repeap the rewards of natural energy booster in the form of clean whole foods.

Live Life Optimally,


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Meet Kristie

Kristie RosserKristie is a wife and mother of 4 and an athlete. She has been working in healthcare for more than 25 years. Kristie’s goal is to assist her patients to achieve and maintain an exceptional level of health and life-balance. She successfully blends prevention, optimization, hormone therapy, and age management with balanced and healthy living into her progressive wellness and integrative medical practice. Read more

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