Boost Your Immune System with Simple Daily Activities

shutterstock_skin-brushing-236403331Boost Your Immune System with Simple Daily Practices
Your immune system is the ultimate balancing system in your body.

When it’s strong, you are strong and healthy.

When it is overwhelmed and weak, you get sick and inflammed.

A weak immune system can also cause hormone imbalance and poor aging.

We live in a toxic world:

we worry alot,

we make poor food choices,

we don’t move our bodies, we take care of our spiritual side, and we carry burdeons that perhaps are not our to carry, or we carry them longer than we should–just to name a few things that allow toxins into our bodies and weaken our immune systems.
Here are a few simple tips that I find work well for me, to boost my immune system, balance my hormones, and help me to age optimally:

1. Drink Warm Lemon Water every morning – This provides the perfect cleanse first thing in the morning. It prepares the body for digestion, and it is a natural anti-viral. See my recipes for tonics that boost the immune system that include turmeric and ginger.

2. Dry Skin Brush once or twice a day – This daily practice supports your lymphatic system, allowing it to release the toxins stored there that cause illness. It also exfoliates, improves digestion, and improves circulation. I dry skin brush every morning before I shower, then end my shower in a hot/cold contrast–about 20-30 seconds of hotter water, followed by cold, and so on alternating for a few minutes to boost my circulation and clean out my lymphatic system.

3. Drink apple cider vinegar daily- Start with 1/8th tsp and increase to 2 T daily. I add this to my morning immune booster “shot” that I take everyday. A little ACV, with warm lemon water, cayenne peppe and ginger help ward-off bacteria and viruses, and provide a natural boost to your immune system.

4. Take a deep breaths–we walk around all day and never truly take a deep (all the way to the belly button) breath. We just take bunny-rabbit breathes all day as we run around doing our thing. Breathing cleanses the mind, body and spirit.It allows the adrenal to take a break for 1/2 a second, too.

5. Oil Pulling: This daily practice removes toxins, and prevents tooth decay. I take a big spoonful of coconut oil into my mouth, and when it soften and liquifies, I swish it around for 10-20 minutes, then I spit it out into my garbage can–never down the sink or drain (it will build-up in your pipes).

6. Rebound tramp: Using a rebounder daily stimulates your lymph system to clean house. You can use the rebounder from anywhere between 5-20 minutes per day, and if you are coorindated, you can do exercises or lymphatic massage while rebounding.

7. Eat whole clean foods, primarily plants, and seasonally is best: This may not seem like a DETOX practice to you, but greens and plants are incredibly perfect and made for the purpose of cleansing and detoxing. You should be getting 8-10 servings of greens and plants in your diet daily.

8. Get Grounded–walk outside on the grass, feel the Earth under your feet: the soil, the grass, the rocks, the weeds–feel it all. Take it all in. Breath the fresh air, look a the sky–let the gratitude in, let the love in in.

These are just a few of the many detox practices that will boost your immune system, reduce your toxin load, boost your hormones, and calm your spirit.

Other practices that I recommend are: epsom salt bathes, infrared sauna use, hydrocolon therapy, and deep tissue body massage–I recommend them all.

Live Life Optimally,


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Meet Kristie

Kristie RosserKristie is a wife and mother of 4 and an athlete. She has been working in healthcare for more than 25 years. Kristie’s goal is to assist her patients to achieve and maintain an exceptional level of health and life-balance. She successfully blends prevention, optimization, hormone therapy, and age management with balanced and healthy living into her progressive wellness and integrative medical practice. Read more

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