My favorite on a cool fall morning,
This simple recipe has a whopping 15 grams of plant-based protein, for those of you who need to know your macros. Make it 30 grams by replacing some of the oatmeal with plant-based protein powder. (See ProTip below).
Personally, I don’t count calories or macros, and focus instead on eating clean whole foods. And I encourage others to do the same.
It’s about boosting clean whole foods first; then crowding out the processed, preserved, chemicalized and colored “food”.
3/4 c filtered water
1/2 c steel cut oatmeal (3 grams)
1/2 c almond milk (carrageenan-free) (4 grams)
1/4 almonds (6 grams)
1/4 c strawberries
1T ground flax
Drizzle of raw organic honey and grade B maple syrup
Cook the oatmeal per directions with 3/4 c water.
Stir in ground flax
Serve with almond milk, sliced almonds, and a drizzle of raw organic honey or grade B maple syrup
Top with dates, fruit or shredded coconut flakes if desired.
ProTip: Replace 1/4 c oats with your favorite vegan protein for an extra boost of plant-protein (15 grams). Adjust the water accordingly.
Live Life Optimally,
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