Health Coaching

Quick Start Business

Getting started with GSG Life

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1. Create your 30 second story:

Sharing your story will be a foundation part of your business.

  1. Be compliant with FDA
  2. Speak from your heart.
  3. After you develop your story, write it on an index card to memorize it.
    • What has your journey to healthy and nutrition been like?
    • Where have you come from and where are you going with your health?
    • What brought you to GSGLIFE?
    • Why do you drink green smoothies and how did you get started?
    • Where does your passion for nutrition come from and why are you passionate about sharing it with others?
  4. Add your story to your GSGLife website.

2. Discover your “Why.” 

Getting clear on your WHY.

Your WHY is the reason you’re in business, what motivates you to continue teaching and sharing and doing what you’re doing?

Your WHY is often connected to the story of how you came to GSGLife, and what you are doing with GSGlife as a company and a product.

Write out your answers to the following questions to start tapping into your WHY:

Why did you start your GSGLife Business?

What do you believe to be true about the world?

What kind of impact would you like to make on the world?

What’s a big dream of yours?

What is something you stand for (or have publicly stood for in the past)?

3. Recognize your “What“. What are you working towards? What are you striving for?

Be clear on your “what” so you can obtain it. Your “what” might be a financial goal, financial freedom, quit your current employment, more time with family, social interaction, or being part of a team.

  • Are you saving for a new car?
  • Need part time income to help with bills?
  • Do you need an extra $500 for kids activities?
  • Are you looking for part-time, supplemental income?
  • Are you looking for income to replace your current career?
  • What rank are you seeking? Instructor, Bronze? Gold? Founder?
  • How much money do you need to make each month to meet your needs/goals?

4. Watch the training video. 

Watch the training video several times until you feel comfortable and confident in the presentation. You can find her script in your back office.

5. Complete your back office checklist.

6. Make a list of 100 contacts.

If you need help making your contact list, click here.

7. Schedule a class: Get a 90 day calendar, and schedule 3-5 classes each month for the next 3 months.

8. Create your first Facebook post. Announce your first class, and begin posting daily about your healthy life.

Facebook posts ideas:Photo’s of you teaching your class,
        Photos of your GSGLife display at your classes,
        Photos of your morning green smoothie with recipe,
        Photos of you doing healthy things (walking, running, traveling), etc.
Get familiar with our team facebook system.
9. Join the weekly training calls: every Thursday, 10am MST.
All calls are recorded and posted in your GSGLife website EVO back office in your Library.
10. Make your income goals and then make a plan to achieve them.
Example: Need $520 the first month and $400 residual each month thereafter? Then you need 20 customers on 100PV autoship each month. This will require at least 4 classes per month.
Discuss your financial goals with your enroller, and set a plan to reach them, and once you have reached them, set a new goal.

SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely.

Exampls: I want to reach instructor level by getting $2000PV, 20 customers on 100PV, in the next 60 days.

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