Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil is well known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects. It has been used for centuries to boost the immune and adrenal systems. Castor oil can help to improve liver detoxification by stimulating lymph and liver function. It can support uterine health and ovarian health and is often used to ease menstrual cramping or pelvic pains.

This detox support tool is my all-time favorite. Please do not be overwhelmed by the instructions. Once you have performed this once, you will be how easy it is.

You will need:

  1. Castor oil. I use the brand: Home Health Castor Oil.
  2. And old towel.
  3. A cotton or flannel cloth, about 8 “x 8” in size
  4. A heating pad

How to Use a Castor oil pack:

  1. Lay a towel on your bed to protect your bedding.
  2. Soak the cloth in castor oil. Pour some castor oil on your right abdomen, and place the soaked cloth (this is called the castor oil pack) over it, covering the right upper abdomen (above your belly button, to the right side).
  3. Pull the towel around you so it covers your back on the right, and wraps around your right side to cover your front on the right.
  4. Place a heating pad on top of the towel and rest.
  5. Leave the pack on for 45 minutes. Then remove the pack and wash off your abdomen. You can reuse the towel and cloth several times.

ProTip: Boost your experience with therapeutic grade DoTerra Essential Oils.

  1. You can add 2 drops of zendocrince essential oil, rosemary essential oil, or geranium essential oil to the castor oil on your abdomen before placing the cloth, to potentiate the detoxing effect on your liver.
  2. You can use clary sage essential oil with the castor oil to ease menstrual cramping or pelvic pains.
  3. You can wrap saran wrap around your abdomen to hold the castor oil pack in place, if you need to be up moving and can’t lie down for 45 minutes.

You can order your DoTerra essential oils at

Live Life Optimally,


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Meet Kristie

Kristie RosserKristie is a wife and mother of 4 and an athlete. She has been working in healthcare for more than 25 years. Kristie’s goal is to assist her patients to achieve and maintain an exceptional level of health and life-balance. She successfully blends prevention, optimization, hormone therapy, and age management with balanced and healthy living into her progressive wellness and integrative medical practice. Read more

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