5 Daily Do’s


Being better than yesterday is a daily goal for me.

It helps me to keep moving forward; with love and forgiveness for being human 🙂

I love tell myself: keep moving forward, and make it happen; motivational and inspiring for daily progress.

I have 5 tasks that I perform daily to help me do-better, and be-better.

When done daily, they can help you, too.

The trick is this: they are easy to-do, but they are also easy to Not-do. See where I’m going with this?

The magic is in the daily-do: that consistency, over time, creates healthy habits for personal progress, personal improvement, and goal-achievement.

You can spend minutes to hours on your daily do’s. It’s not important how much time you spend, it’s just important that you do them. Soon, the activites will become part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth, and you wont even realize that you are doing them because they Become a part of You.

Goals are personal, and that’s why I call goal-setting Personal Progress. I also call goals: The Thing–the thing that you want to achieve. Whatever The Thing is, do you daily work to achieve success.

I share more about my Daily Do’s on my Youtube channel here:

Practice my 5 Daily Do’s for your own Personal Progress:

1. Prayer/meditation: Pray not only for personal progress and success, but pray collectively as a couple and a family, for the success of all in their positive endeavors. Pray at least once on a day on your knees, and pray throughout the day by simply closing your eyes and saying the words as you hear them in your mind. Pray often, anywhere, anytime. You can carry a prayer in your heart, always. Prayers increases your consciousness, focus, vibration, health, and alerts your spirit to your highest awareness and potential.

2. Motivational reading: Infuse your mind and spirit with uplifting material. Read something positive, and motivational every single day. For example, begin your day with scripture study. Read: a verse, a chapter, for 15 minutes, or longer. Read a book on motivation, a book about someone who has conquered or overcome. Listen to a pod-cast, TED talk, or motivational speaker, watch a video on You-tube, attend a motivatonal conference.

3. Visualization/affirmation: This is a simple 2-stepper. Step one: Take a moment at the beginning of each day to repeat to yourself something powerful, meaningful, and personal to you. I call this my morning “cheer”; you might call it a “personal affirmation” or “mantra.” Either way, it’s a mindful practice that helpf you to “get your game on”–think of it as your own personal “theme song”–something you FEEL when you see the words and say the words. Something that has a deeply motivational and sentimental value to you. Step two: As you say the words, you visualize yourself doing The Thing that you are saying.

For example, this quote from President Thomas S. Monson, lives on our fridge.


It has become more than just my personal “cheer.” It has become our family “cheer” as I teach my kids the importance of mindfulness, personal progress, goal setting and achievement.

It has become part of our family cheer, and “daily-do.”

It reads: “Don’t limit yourself and don’t let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities. You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith.”–Thomas S. Monson

So as I say this to myself, I visualize myself without limitations. I visualize myself living in a way that I can achieve my dreams. I visualize: Trust. I make my mind: Believe. I feel: Faith.  Then I move on to step 4 and Make it Happen!

4. Smart goals/Make it Happen!


This is really just an extension of #3, because now you Do The Thing that you have cheered yourself on about, and visualized yourself doing.

You just do it in a SMART Way.

SMART goals are goals that are:

Specific–significant to The Thing you want to accomplish.

Measurable–specific in terms of criteria for reaching your goal. For example, how will you know that you have arrived? Measure your: progress. Reach  target dates. Stay on track with insane persistent focus.

Attainable–attainable, achievable, acceptable; yet uncomfortable enough that you are stretching, pushing, reaching and working outside your comfort zone.

Relevant–has meaning and pertains to The Thing that you want to accomplish.

Time-bound: there is a deadline for accomplishment, completion and/or evaluation. Then, experience the exhilaration of achievement.

5. Reflection/Keep Moving Forward: This is a great and easy daily practice that will help to increase your success and improve your insane persistent focus for the next day. This is the most relevant step to learning and understanding Yourself. All of your strengths, and your weaknesses. It must be done with nothing but Love, and 100% forgiveness for being human. And the understanding that tomorrow is another day, a do-over, a try-again, and an opportunity for success. At the end of the day, typically before your retire into bed at night, Reflect. Take a moment of silence to discuss with yourself how your day went, what progress you have made, and what you can improve upon tomorrow. Ask yourself: Did I take the right actions? Were those actions productive? Did I take a step forward? I find this helpful to journal, since writing this down helps me to adjust and evalute my SMART goals as needed.

I have found that as I practice my daily do’s, everyday, that I make daily progress. Sometime I make alot of progress, sometimes just a little progress. But I make progress every day. I keep moving forward towards my goals. And that is the most important part of the journey!

Keep moving forward and make it happen!

Live Life Optimally,


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Meet Kristie

Kristie RosserKristie is a wife and mother of 4 and an athlete. She has been working in healthcare for more than 25 years. Kristie’s goal is to assist her patients to achieve and maintain an exceptional level of health and life-balance. She successfully blends prevention, optimization, hormone therapy, and age management with balanced and healthy living into her progressive wellness and integrative medical practice. Read more

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